orchid sample

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Anggrek Indonesia: Anggrek di Taman Nasional Komodo

Anggrek Indonesia: Anggrek di Taman Nasional Komodo: "Anggrek di Taman Nasional Komodo"

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Orchid Beautiful of Indonesia

More Orchid species
Agribusiness 09-11-2009
* yuni Naibaho
Orchid, who does not know him? Variation variety of flowers and pretty stunning figures. Its existence as an ornamental plant in Indonesia long enough. That's because orchids have known since 200 years ago and since last 50 years began to be cultivated widely. Indonesia is one country that has a large enough orchid species. There are about six thousand species of total species in the world that revolves 26,000. Unfortunately, in terms of production and business, this country (Indonesia) is still inferior to other Asian countries that have a lot of foreign exchange brought from orchid. In Indonesia, there are many orchid plants in West Java, Central Java, Sumatra, Irian Jaya and Bali. However, there is almost about 80% more orchid farmers in Indonesia are still using imported seed for develops. This is due to the lack of government attention in the development of tissue culture to get a new orchid species with attractive color than the imports have. In fact, the development of orchid plants is a great business opportunity, because the market price never fell like other ornamental plants. As farmers plant orchids in Jalan Haji Adam Malik Medan Yusra. To MedanBisnis, Yusra said, should, in these circumstances the government supports the development by preparing orchid seeds orchid native to Indonesia to be developed. "Orchid from the original seed imported from Indonesia, but has been developed or are crossed to produce a more interesting orchids again, so that we are invincible pamornya orchids," he said.

Anggrek hutan tropis(tropical orchid)

Orchid Image : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Anggrek
Hutan tropis Indonesia memiliki potensi keanekaragaman hayati yang tinggi. Tidak kurang dari 63% luas daratan Indonesia merupakan hamparan hutan tropis seluas 120,35 juta hektar yang terdiri dari hutan konsdervasi, hutan lindung, hutan produksi terbatas, hutan produksi dan hutan produksi yang dapat dikonversi.Hutan tropis merupakan sumber plasma nutfah yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan, Indonesia memiliki 10% tumbuhan berbunga di dunia. Salah satu potensi hutan tropis yang belum tergali dan belum banyak dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat adalah potensi tanaman hias.Potensi tanaman hias yang tumbuh di hutan alam atau kawasan konservasi, selain sumber plasma nutfah dan komponen ekosistem hutan, juga merupakan obyek wisata alam, penelitian dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan khususnya mengenai jenis flora yang berpotensi sebagai tanaman hias. Beberapa jenis tanaman hias yang sudah dimanfaatkan dan dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat yang bibitnya berasal dari hutan antara lain jenis anggrek

ANGGREK, merupakan jenis tumbuhan liar yang memiliki bunga yang sangat unik dengan aroma khas, sehingga banyak diminati untuk dipelihara dengan tujuan kesenangan maupun untuk dibudidayakan / diperdagangkan.Semua anggrek tergolong dalam famili Orchidaceae, yaitu bangsa Anggrek.
Di Dunia diperkirakan terdapat ± 800 genus, yang termasuk kategori anggrek alam diperkirakan ± 25.000 jenis, sedangkan ± 10.000 jenis merupakan anggrek hibrida (hasil persilangan).Indonesia memiliki ± 5.000 jenis anggrek alam, yaitu seperlima dari jumlah anggrek alam di dunia. Penyebarannya mulai dari Sumatra, Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi dan Papua.Berdasarkan asal-usulnya, anggrek dapat dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu anggrek alam (spesies) dan anggrek hibrida (kultivar).
Anggrek alam adalah anggrek yang berasal dari habitat aslinya di alam (hutan). Sedangkan anggrek hibridfa adalah anggrek yang merupakan hasil dari perkawinan silang antar species.Perkawinan silang dapat dilakukan pada anggrek alam dengan anggrek alam, anggrek alam dengan anggrek hibrida, atau antara sesama anggrek hibrida.
Anggrek alam lebih banyak diburu pada kolektor karena memiliki kemurnian jenis yang sangat tinggi. Kemurnian jenis sangat diperlukan dalam perkawinan silang untuk mendapatkan jenis – jenis baru dengan ciri – ciri morfologi sesuai harapan yang diinginkan.
Kawasan hutan di Provinsi Jambi merupakan tempat tumbuhnya anggrek alam, salah satunya di Kawasan Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas (TNBD), berikut data jenis dan sebaran anggrek di TNBD tersebut: Anggrek memiliki karakteristik yang tidak dimiliki oleh semua jenis tumbuhan. Akarnya ada empat macam, yaitu akar lekat, akar pikat, akar udara dan akar tanah. Berdasarkan batangnya anggrek dapat dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu batang yang pertumbuhannya monopodial dan simpodial. Batang monopodial hanya memiliki satu titik tumbuh, sedangkan batang simpodial memiliki lebih dari satu titik tumbuh dan biasanya berumpun.Berdasarkan cara hidupnya anggrek dapat dibedkan menjadi enam, yaitu anggrek epifit, semi epifit, terestris / terrestrial, semi terestris / semi – terestrial, saprofit dan lithofit.Semua anggrek di Indonesia masuk dalam daftar CITES Appendix I dan II. Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemeirntah Republik Indonesia Nomor 7 Tahun 1999 tentang Pengawetan Jenis tumbuhan dan satwa tercatat 29 jenis anggrek yang dilindungi, kemudian direvisi menjadi 27 jenis.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Orchid species Agrostophyllum brevipes

Species: Agrostophyllum brevipes
Genus: Agrostophyllum
Sub Family: Epidendroideae
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Class: Liliopsida
Division: Magnoliophyta
Kingdom: Plantae

Agrostylum is a genus that has about 90 species. Genus name is derived from the Greek meaning agrotis grass and leaves phyllos which means, in accordance with the form of grass-like leaves. Orchids of this genus have leaves, referring to the grass-like appearance of the leaves of some species.

These epiphytes orchids found growing in lowland forests in the tropics, growing on tree trunks and branches. Distribution covers an area of Seychelles, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia to the Pacific islands. The center of diversity is to be found in New Guinea

Agrostophyllum acutum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum amboinense JMaluku - Ambon).
Agrostophyllum appendiculoides (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum aristatum (Fiji).
Agrostophyllum arundinaceum (Borneo).
Agrostophyllum atrovirens (Maluku - Ambon).
Agrostophyllum bilobolabellatum (Papua New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum bimaculatum : Double-spotted Agrostophyllum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum brachiatum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum brachiatum var. brachiatum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum brachiatum var. latibrachiatum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum brevipes (E. Himalaya to Indo-China).
Agrostophyllum callosum (Nepal to Hainan)
Agrostophyllum compressum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum crassicaule (New Guinea, Bismarck Archipel).
Agrostophyllum crassicaule var. bismarckiense (Bismarck Arch.)
Agrostophyllum crassicaule var. crassicaule (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum curvilabre (New Guinea to Solomon Is.).
Agrostophyllum cyathiforme (W. Malaysia).
Agrostophyllum cycloglossum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum cyclopense (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum denbergeri (Sumatra to Java).
Agrostophyllum dischorense (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum djararatense (Sumatra).
Agrostophyllum dolychophyllum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum earinoides (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum elatum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum elmeri (Philippines).
Agrostophyllum elongatum : Elongated Agrostophyllum (Malaysia to W. Pacific).
Agrostophyllum fibrosum (New Guinea)..
Agrostophyllum finisterrae (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum flavidum (Assam).
Agrostophyllum fragrans (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum globiceps (W. Sumatra).
Agrostophyllum globigerum (N. Borneo).
Agrostophyllum glumaceum (W. Malaysia).
Agrostophyllum graminifolium (New Guinea to Vanuatu).
Agrostophyllum grandiflorum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum indifferens ((Kalimantan).
Agrostophyllum inocephalum (S. Taiwan to Philippines).
Agrostophyllum javanicum (W. Malesia).
Agrostophyllum kaniense (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum kusaiense (Caroline Is.).
Agrostophyllum lamellatum (ew Guinea).
Agrostophyllum lampongense (Sumatra).
Agrostophyllum laterale (Borneo).
Agrostophyllum latilobum ( W. & C. Java).
Agrostophyllum laxum (W. Malaysia).
Agrostophyllum leucocephalum (New Guinea to SW. Pacific).
Agrostophyllum leytense (Philippines).
Agrostophyllum longifolium (Pen. Thailand to Malaysia.)
Agrostophyllum longivaginatum (Philippines).
Agrostophyllum luzonense (Philippines).
Agrostophyllum macrocephalum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum majus (Pen. Thailand to Vanuatu).
Agrostophyllum malindangense (Philippines).
Agrostophyllum mearnsii (N. Borneo to Philippines).
Agrostophyllum megalurum (New Guinea to W. Pacific).
Agrostophyllum merrillii (Philippines) .
Agrostophyllum mindanense (Philippines).
Agrostophyllum montanum : Mountain Agrostophyllum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum mucronatum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum myrianthum (Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh).
Agrostophyllum neoguinense (Papua New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum niveum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum occidentale (Seychelles, N. Madagascar).
Agrostophyllum palawense (Caroline Is. - Palau).
Agrostophyllum paniculatum ( New Guinea to Solomon Is. )
Agrostophyllum papuanum (Papua New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum parviflorum (Maluku to New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum patentissimum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum pelorioides (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum philippinense (Philippines).
Agrostophyllum planicaule (Himalaya to Indo-China).
Agrostophyllum potamophila : River-loving Agrostophyllum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum rigidifolium (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum saccatilabium (Philippines).
Agrostophyllum saccatum (Borneo)..
Agrostophyllum sepikanum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum seychellarum (Seychelles).
Agrostophyllum simile (Sulawesi).
Agrostophyllum spicatum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum stenophyllum (New Guinea.).
Agrostophyllum stipulatum (Indo-China, Malaysia to Solomon Is.)
Agrostophyllum stipulatum subsp. bicuspidatum (W. Malaysia).
Agrostophyllum stipulatum subsp. stipulatum (Indo-China, Malaysia to Solomon Is.)
Agrostophyllum sumatranum (W. Sumatra, Borneo).
Agrostophyllum superpositum (New Guinea to Solomon Is.).
Agrostophyllum tenue (W. Malaysia)..
Agrostophyllum torricellense (New Guinea to S. Vanuatu).
Agrostophyllum trifidum (Sumatra, Borneo).
Agrostophyllum uniflorum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum vanhulstijnii (Maluku) .
Agrostophyllum ventricosum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum verruciferum (New Guinea).
Agrostophyllum wenzelii (Philippines).
Agrostophyllum zeylanicum (Sri Lanka).

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Orchid in Komodo National Park


Orchid is a unique group of plants with various types of flowers, leaves, and 'lifestyle'. Orchids vary greatly in terms of shape, size, color, etc.. Likewise, the leaf, varying from leafy pencil (round length) until the broad-leaf. How to live orchids also vary, there are epiphytes (attached to the trunks of trees or other plants), living on land (terrestrial), amoebofit life, and some even live in or under the ground.
The photo above is Vanda limbata orchid in Loh Liang, Komodo Island.
Although most of the land in the Komodo National Park, including dry, but this region has more than 30 species of orchids. Most of these orchids live in the mountainous forests of Mount Ara and Mount Satalibo on Komodo Island. The easiest orchid found in lowland forest, especially in tourist areas (Loh Liang, Loh Buaya da) is Vanda limbata orchid. Orchid flowers are reddish blooms almost all year, unlike most other forest orchids bloom only once or twice a year. Other orchids that can be found in the monsoon forests, especially tourist areas Loh Liang, Komodo Island is 2 types of Dendrobium orchid with white flowers and orange. White Dendrobium blooms around June, while the orange blossom Dendrobium around September, also sometimes be found blooming there in January. Orchid photos below are JJSm Disperis javanica., The only terrestrial orchid species ever found in Komodo TN area, found at the foot of Mount Ara, Komodo Island (above left); one orchid Nervilia sp broad-leaf (top right ), can be found in Loh Sebita (P. Komodo), New Loh and Loh Dasami (P. Rinca); and one of the orchid Dendrobium sp is only found on Mount Ara, Komodo Island (below).

Orchid at Mount Ara mountains and Mount Satalibo, Komodo Island is usually bloom once a year in September or December. Most of these orchids can not be identified, only a few species are already known his name. For example Dendrobium secundum and at least 4 other species of Dendrobium, Saccolabium juncifolium (Bl.) JJS, Thrixspermum arachnithes, Pholidota imbricata Lindl., Sarcanthus sp, and Eria sp. Most orchids in these mountain forests are epiphytes living, but also found at least two types of orchids that are amoebofit ie Nervilia aragoana Gaudich and Nervilia sp, which has some sort of underground tubers, when the rainy season will issue a single leaf, and after a dormant (without activities) for several weeks to issue interest around December. Information and research on orchids in Komodo National Park is still very limited, the hall (TNK) the opportunity to for anyone to do this research (as well as other research), of course, through the applicable procedures. Photo below is the orchid Vanda limbata (top left) which can be found almost everywhere in the monsoon forests in the region, especially in TN Komodo Komodo Island and Gili Islands Motang; orchid Dendrobium sp white flowers (top right) which also can be found in the valleys ( monsoon forest), especially in Komodo Island and Gili Islands Motang, but not as much as Vanda limbata; while the last orchid (below) is Thrixspermum arachnithes orchids? The new note was only found at Mount Ara, Komodo Island